At the very least, computers are good at one thing: diagnosing problems with themselves. If an error occurs, the computer can determine what brought about the error rather than guessing. However, it’s important to note that people can also perform a form of self-diagnosis. Indeed, it is not as accurate as machines, but it is still helpful in identifying problems and moving forward in further reflection based on this information. It would help if you asked yourself some regular questions to perform self-diagnostics and ensure that you do not overlook any important details.
8 deep questions to ask yourself regularly
1. How do you feel in terms of physical health?
When performing a self-diagnosis, the first thing you should focus on is how your body is behaving right now. Begin with the positives, physically examine every cell in your body, and take note of the areas in which you do not observe any changes.
After that, move on to the negatives and look for any discomfort or pain, such as issues with digestion, bad breath, itching, etc. Please spend a few minutes thinking about it so you don’t miss out on any fun. When you discover something that makes you feel uneasy, you have the opportunity to investigate it further and begin making inferences. Take, for instance, the fact that your stomach is bloated. You remember that you consumed some apples the day before and experienced the same symptoms as you do now. Therefore, you should cut back on the amount of that fruit you consume daily.
2. How do you feel in terms of mental health?

At this point, you should assess your current state of mind, overall mental state, any changes, and the contributing factors. This is of equal significance to the state of your physical health, given that prolonged exposure to high-stress levels has been linked to the development of various diseases, including coronary events, cerebrovascular accidents, and other conditions. If you feel that your mental health has worsened over the past few days, you need to investigate the specific factors that led to this decline and consider what corrective actions you can take.
You could make things simpler by maintaining a journal that covers your physical and mental health. After that, it will be simple for you to monitor any changes or consistency in these signs.
3. What is your energy level?
Your energy level first thing in the morning will probably be a good sign of how the rest of the day will go. You must evaluate your current energy level and establish whether it is at an average level that is typical for you, whether it is high or low. This will be the foundation for the rest of your plans for the day.
If you feel like you have a lot of energy, you should try to do something that you haven’t had time to do in a while to get the most out of your energy. If your energy level is low, you should avoid engaging in some of the activities you normally do.
4. What are the foods you like?

This aspect of self-diagnosis is essential, even if for no other reason than the fact that it enables you to understand what your body is lacking. For instance, an increase in the desire for meat may point to a deficiency in iron, while a desire for sugar may sign a deficiency in carbohydrates.
It is important to keep track of not only what you eat but also how you feel after eating as well as the number of times per day that you experience feelings of hunger. It will be easier for you to cut out foods that make you feel worse and increase your consumption of foods that are better for your health as a whole.
5. Is your personal life and career in balance?
Most people do not understand the importance of balance in everything, including in personal life and career. For them, the choice may favor either one or the other. But this is the wrong decision. Ask yourself if you are keeping a balance without falling into the abyss of careerism or not focusing solely on the family. If you start to shift to one side, you need to stop and understand what caused it and whether it is good for you. Knowing whether this harms one of the parties is even more important.
6. How do you sleep?

We have said many times how important sleep is. Every day, when you wake up, you should ask yourself the question, how deeply did you sleep, how long did it take, was it enough in terms of your habits, was the sleep superficial or deep, did you wake up or did you suffer from insomnia, what did you dream about, etc.
The whole day depends on the quality of sleep; if it is strong, you will feel a surge of vivacity after waking up. If something interfered, you need to find the cause and eliminate those negative aspects that interfere with quality sleep or at least reduce their impact.
7. Do you feel drawn to destructive habits
People who have made it their mission to abstain from drinking, smoking, using illegal substances, and other vices should pay attention to this point. The intensity of your cravings can provide insight into the amount of stress in your life and your general state of health. If you are at the point in your life where you feel like you could lose it at any moment, you need to figure out what causes such intense cravings and get rid of the things that cause them as soon as possible can.
8. Are there any changes in your life that are beneficial
If the previous point suggested centring your attention on the negative, this one, on the other hand, is all about the positive and what helps you make progress in the right direction. It is important to ask yourself regularly what aspects of your life have improved and what factors contributed to these improvements. If you have this knowledge, you can concentrate on the reason for this and make your life even more enjoyable.
For instance, you’ve recently started going to the gym and eating healthily. You will realise that those actions led to that improvement once you have experienced changes that are beneficial to you and then performed a self-diagnosis looking for the cause of those changes.