Month: September 2022

Nevada Tan : The Sasebo slashing

Nevada-tan is the name commonly used to describe an 11-year-old Japanese schoolgirl who was charged with murdering her classmate Satomi Mitarai. The murder occurred on June 1, 2004 at an elementary school in Sasebo, Japan and involved the slitting of Mitarai’s throat and arms with a box cutter. It has come to be known as […]

10 habits that will help you stay calm in any situation

Every person will be confronted with unsettling and unanticipated circumstances at some point in their lives. However, some people come out from them with dignity, without becoming disoriented, and rapidly resolving all of their difficulties, whereas others, on the contrary, succumb to fear and get stuck. The characteristics of behaviour and thinking you have developed […]

10 medieval helmets worn by warriors in the past

Helmets have historically been an essential component of every single type of military uniform. Even before our ancestors understood how to manufacture copper or bronze, they were already protecting their heads by creating primitive helmets out of leather or a combination of leather and wood. This desire is very natural, given how important it is […]

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