
Nevada Tan : The Sasebo slashing

Nevada-tan is the name commonly used to describe an 11-year-old Japanese schoolgirl who was charged with murdering her classmate Satomi Mitarai. The murder occurred on June 1, 2004 at an elementary school in Sasebo, Japan and involved the slitting of Mitarai’s throat and arms with a box cutter. It has come to be known as […]

Study in Germany – 4 Best Universities in Germany for International Students

Study in Germany – best universities in Germany for international students offers many opportunities for foreign students who want a degree in the best of German universities. With more than 100 universities until recently, almost half of Germany’s universities were built for international students. International student universities in Germany offer programs offering a first-class education […]

The Sasebo Slashing — Japan’s Youngest Killer

Tuesday, June 1, 2004, at Okubo Elementary School in Sasebo, Nagasaki, Japan would be unlike any other before it. At lunchtime that day, 11-year-old Natsumi Tsuji invited her classmate and friend, 12-year-old Satomi Mitarai, into an empty classroom where she promised to show her a new game. Under the guise of walking her through how […]

The 44-Day Horror Story Of Junko Furuta

Junko Furuta was tortured for 44 days in the home of her classmate and then was murdered for beating her captors in mahjong. As far as Shinji Minato’s parents were concerned, Junko Furuta was their son’s girlfriend. The pretty young girl hung around with their son so often it seemed as if she were living […]

What is the Junko Furuta family doing now?

Yesterday marked the 31th anniversary of the death of Junko Furuta.  She was murdered on the 4th of January 1989, after having been kept captive and tortured for 41 days. Back then I was working in Tokyo.  I remember reading the newspaper about the murder which was known as THE CONCRETE-ENCASED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL MURDER […]

Top 10 Bitcoin Exchanges In India!

Top 10 Bitcoin Exchanges In India! November 24, 2021Admin8 CommentsOn Top 10 Bitcoin Exchanges In India! India are highly optimistic about this new revolutionary electronic P2P cash transfer method despite its many negative perceptions. Since it is a digital currency, India has a variety of cryptocurrency exchanges available to the Indian and throughout the globe. […]

Investment Tips For Beginners

You might have a bit of money saved. It’s probably not enough for a house, but you reckon I should probably invest this in something.Maybe you’ve heard on the news about Tesla or Netflix or Amazon and how, if you’d invested 10 years ago in Tesla then you’d be a millionaire by now or things […]

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